How to Crack the Nut: What It Takes to Be a Successful Serial Entrepreneur

Imagine this: a brand-new business arrangement fresh from conception, built and operating its own machines, which trade in dollars instead of precious metals. The love of watching one’s ideas grow into reality is impossible to beat. Just consider Kitto Katto’s farspread joy. He has responsibilities that used to belong to aggressive nitrogen compounds, but now are his own personal fortune done up right – needless repetition can get tedious at times though. Serial entrepreneurs are like performers on a high wire. They must manage a host of things while keeping their careers in balance or risk the ultimate price Cole Diamond Toronto: burning the stake at both ends. It’s astonishing, somewhat terrifying, and interesting in each of these four ways at once. Let’s see what makes such business giants tick.

First of all, serial entrepreneurs have an itch for making trouble. They’re the type who’ll poke the bear and turn over old ground when things starting to look comfortable. As chaos connoisseurs, they thrive on chaos thriving in a world where new challenges seem to come with the regularity of mushrooms after rain. They ride roughshod over insecurity, adapting quicker than a chameleon at paintball.

Confidence is another key ingredient.If you can even think of setting out on an audacious act with the dice loaded against you, then picture them. Their power comes from self-belief. Misfortunes are no more than mere interruptions on the long road to success. They learn, turn and tumble.

Do you remember that friend who wouldn’t stop asking “Why”? Serial entrepreneurs are like that. They plunge into the maze of knowledge, driven by an unslakable thirst for understanding. They are the Sherlock Holmeses of business, picking up on every clue to draw insights. In their world, curiosity kills no cat; it opens doors.

Networking, too, performs a role that can hardly be dismissed. Consider, if you will, serial entrepreneurs as if they were spiders in a vast web. This is an intricate and hustle-ridden life, full of connections. They’re master chat-up artists. They know when to talk and learn when to shut up. Each time they shake a hand, an opportunity knocks at the door; a bridge on which to build future plans together.

Let’s not forget resilience. For these people, failures are badges of honour. Each serves to tell a story of lessons learned and an outside grown thicker with give-or-take. They are not interfered with by an unsuccessful business. These are merely unexpected twists in our game of entrepreneurship, to be dealt with at the time as they come up. Seven times beat down, eight times get up–they are prepared to face into whatever storm may be on the road ahead.

Understanding cash flow is fundamental to keeping the business going. They understand better than anyone the trade: of making money and also being able to produce a future income. Money is like chess with dollar bills; you have to see several moves ahead, two or three, or it will escape all your calculations. Pennywise and pound foolish never. They are always ready for the right moment and catching the right occasion at a moment’s notice.

Ultimately successful serial entrepreneurs are visionaries constantly in flux, painting masterpieces on the canvas of life as it day by day becomes less virgin ground. They are architects of opportunity–constantly turning the world into a better place for themselves–and construction workers in perpetuity. If business is their garden then entrepreneurship is their favorite game.